Anyone who has tried going low carb will be familiar with a craving for crunchy, carby textures... Potato crisps aren't exactly on the menu when eating LCHF.
There are ways to still those cravings though. Before, we have roasted kale with some oil, salt and pepper to get really crispy leaves. Here is an even better tip though.
Check these crispy, savoury slices of eggplant out:
How do you like them babies? As easy to make as they are delicious.
Inspired by the Cooking Caveman, we tried a few different options. Here's what worked best.
- Slice the eggplant in 3-5 mm thick slices. We first tried going super thin, but found the result better when staying just under 5 mm.
- Brush very lightly with oil (the eggplant absorbs oil like a sponge, so don't overdo it), and season with salt and pepper. As the Cooking Caveman suggests, here you can use whatever spices you like, and we will keep experimenting with different flavours.
- Bake them on baking paper (not directly on the baking tray, or al foil, as the chips will stick and break when you try to get them off) 10 minutes each side at 220C or until dark brown and crisped up.
Delicious! With crisps like these, no need to cheat. The only issue is that we can't make very many in one batch as the size of our oven seriously limits how much you can fit on a baking tray... Maybe a good thing!
While on the topic of crisps, as I was trying to find recieps I also came across another variety involving eggplant. This is more like making low-carb crisp bread and definitely something I intend to try: almond crackers to go with your hoummus or eggplant dip.